Healing Transformation for Every Body & Mind
New Student Offer! 21 days of Unlimited Classes for $59!
Over 40 Classes a week! First Class for New Students is ALWAYS FREE!
Not sure where to begin? Let’s talk!
Ready to reconnect to your body's full potential & live a vibrant, healthy life?
We've got everything you need to feel great.
About Rising Tide Wellness
At Rising Tide, we believe yoga, movement, breath and nutrition, are the keys to living a vibrant, long-lasting life.
Together, we work to reduce pain and inflammation, increase strength, flexibility and mobility, and initiate wellness & create lifetime longevity.
Whether you need to heal from an injury, find more movement, lose weight or reconnect to your true self; we support your body's inner wisdom with:
1-1 Therapeutic Yoga, Health Coaching, Reiki, Group Yoga, Kids Yoga, Aerial Trapeze Yoga, retreats and more.