Join us for heart opening cacao ceremony where we will sip on delicious Guatemalan cacao which comes from a womens collective in Guatemala who process it in ancient traditional fashion that’s been handed down through generations. We will have a cacao ceremony where we take a deep dive into what cacao is and what it can do for us followed by a ecstatic dance where we will move into our bodies and let loose.
Cacao is known for its heart opening opening properties. For its Healing therapy – releasing blocks, recognizing patterns and allowing you to follow your heart. You may also Find a connection to your highest self, your own power and truth.
Ecstatic dance is hard to describe but it can be described as a form of dance in which the dancers, sometimes without the need to follow specific steps, abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely as the music takes them, leading to trance and a feeling of ecstasy.
$25 for members and $35 for non members learn more and register here