Weekly Classes, Events & Workshops

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Welcome to Rising Tide Wellness & Yoga!

We are currently having a sale on memberships right now! Please see our pricing page here.

Please see our weekly class schedule below. To view our events and workshops go here

We have a FOUR-HOUR cancellation window on classes. If you cancel within 4 hours, you will be charged for the class. Thank you for understanding!

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Please register in advance for class as we have limited space, if there is space, drop-ins will be accepted.

If you cancel your class prior to 4 hours before class starts you will not be charged.

If you cancel class within 4 hours, the class will be charged to your account.


Class Descriptions:

Aerial Yoga

Aerial Yoga uses the aerial trapeze/yoga swing to assist in traditional yoga poses, create a deeper stretch, and lengthen the spine in inversions.

All Levels Hatha

Mon 8:30 am; Tue 8:30 am; Sat 9:30 am

Whether you are new to yoga, or a seasoned Yogi, you will find challenge and ease in this class. Hatha Yoga is made up of traditional yoga movements along with a unique flair from each instructor.

Chair Yoga

Fri 11:30 am

Chair yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. It is also a great form of yoga for beginners or anyone who wants to focus on a gentle practice.

Gentle (Hatha) Yoga

Tue 10:00 am; Wed 10:00 am; Thu 10:00 am; Fri 10:00 am

This class is Gentle but suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced. Learn movements for flexibility, strength, balance and stress reduction. We will also work on breathing and relaxation.

Hot (Vinyasa) Flow

Wed 5:45 pm; Thu 6:45 pm; Sat 10:45 am

This class will be heated to 93-99 degrees. A faster paced class we will move in a flowing manner with our breath, to align, strengthen, balance, increase flexibility and decrease stress. 

Kids Yoga

Wed 4:15 pm

This class has only 7 spaces, so preregistration is preferred! Due to the small class size right now we are charging $15 per child.

Classes will be an hour and will incorporate yoga on the mat, games, aerial swing play and breathing/relaxation time.


Thu 11:30 am

Join us for Pilates-ish, a class where we delve into a mix of traditional and innovative core exercises paired with mindful breathing techniques. Throughout the session, we'll engage in mat-based exercises, hands-and-knee movements, and standing work to cater to various preferences.

Restorative Yoga

Tue 6:15 pm; Sun 5 pm

Restorative yoga is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. In this restorative class, you may hardly move at all, doing just a few postures over the course of an hour.

Warm Flow

Fri 5 pm

This class is heated to about 80-85 degrees and is suitable for all levels. Warm yoga helps improve range of motion, flexibility and relieves connective tissue and joint pain.

Yin Yoga

Mon 5:30 pm & Thu 4:30 pm

Yin Yoga is a style of yoga that involves long holds in various seated and reclined poses to access deeper layers of fascia and a quieting of the mind. There are three tenets of Yin Yoga: find your edge where you can feel the stretch but without straining; remain still; and allow yourself to stay here for time, typically held for 3 to 5 minutes. It is a simple practice with profound benefits.


Yoga & Ecstatic Dance Portland

Every Wednesday evening in Portland we dance! On 3/20 Shaunna will be teaching!!

Hosted from 7-10 p.m. at The Den, centrally located in SE Portland, Oregon, with a brand new L-Acoustics sound system, professional lighting, & a studio dance floor.


$20 ($12 for BIPOC) or $150 for a 10 dance pass.


We start with a 45 minute movement, stretching, yoga, somatic, or embodiment style class, followed by a brief opening circle, 2 hours of Dance from an experienced Ecstatic Dance DJ, and a sound healing to close the evening.

For more info https://www.sheenamedicina.com/offerings/ecstatic-dance-portland

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Breathwork and Sound Healing

Breathwork and Sound Healing

This Workshop is designed to return you to your Highest Self. Katrina will lead you through some pranayama (breath practice), and take you into a long savasana where she will bathe you in the sounds of singing bowls and a gong. Moving your brain waves from Beta (high energy waves associated with stress, anxiety, and worry) to Theta (between awake and asleep, subconscious mind, deep relaxation, and inner peace). This process is calming, and restful, and can aid in healing. Come with an open mind, heart, and cozy wear to settle in for an experience that will leave you
feeling nourished and tranquil.

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Food as Medicine - Chronic Fatigue

Food as Medicine - Chronic Fatigue

Lead by Amanda Beckett

Food as Medicine - Chronic Fatigue

$35 member, $45 non-member

Register online www.risingtidewellness.org

Exhaustion, brain fog, lack of motivation.? Many of us experience these feelings occasionally or often. Taking a gentle, Ayurvedic approach, we’ll look at how the foods we eat (or don’t eat) and how we eat them may be contributing to our lack of vitality. You will be able to better identify how and what to eat to boost and support your energy. Includes live cooking demonstration and food samples to try. Led by Food Healing Coach & certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor Amanda Beckett. 


 Register Here

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2 year anniversary Party!!

2 year anniversary Party!!

Join us for a free class led by Shaunna Sutcliffe at 4:45 both in person and virtual. Make sure to register for this class because it fills up! Book Class Here

At 6:00 we will have a blessing ceremony with Shaunna and Katrina and take ceremonial cacao together. Then we will enjoy a potluck dinner. At 7:30, let’s start dancing and go until 9:00! Let us know you’re coming HERE.
All events are free, but we are taking donations to support the yoga studio!

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Herbalism 101

Herbalism 101

Curious about using Herbs for optimal health? But do not know where to start, what herbs are best for YOU?  Join my Herbal 101 for optimal health!

Items to be covered: Energetics of plants, six tissue states of people, matching herbs/energetics with aliment and the constitution of the person

You will learn: how to choose herbs based on YOU and your wellness journey.  Whether it is for an ailment, support the immune system, or increase vitality. 

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Pneuma Breathwork

Pneuma Breathwork

Pneuma Breathwork is a revolutionary pranayama that has been practiced by thousands throughout the globe for the last 40 years, created by the founder of Pneuma Institute Juan Ruiz Naupari. The objective of Pneuma Breathwork is to open our perception to the deeper unknown contents of our psyche, in order to make contact with our spiritual essence, with inner peace, and to gradually heal our lives. From this space, we are able to make a serene investigation of the elements of the psyche that produce symptoms such as depression, meaninglessness, and the diverse psychological abnormalities that generate suffering. Pneuma Breathwork is a deep and easy practice that gives natural access to extraordinary or transpersonal states of consciousness. These states allow for the exploration of the more subtle and refined inner dimensions of the psyche. This session includes an introduction, 2hrs of pneumatic breathing, mandala drawing, and an integration circle for sharing.


Facilitated by Avasa and Matthew Love, certified Transpersonal Psychologists and Pneuma Breathwork facilitators.

 Cost: $60

Register Here

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Food as Medicine - Stress & Anxiety

Food as Medicine - Stress & Anxiety

Lead by Amanda Beckett

Food as Medicine - Stress & Anxiety

$35 member, $45 non-member

Register online www.risingtidewellness.org

The demands of life and feelings of instability can take their toll on all aspects of our well-being. Taking an Ayurvedic approach, we’ll look at how the foods we eat (or don’t eat) and how we eat them may be contributing to our stress and anxiety. You will be able to better identify how and what to eat to support your mental health and bring about a greater sense of ease and groundedness. Includes live cooking demonstration and food samples to try. Led by Food Healing Coach & certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor Amanda Beckett. 

Register Here

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Unplug, Regenerate, & Expand - Costa Rica
to Feb 22

Unplug, Regenerate, & Expand - Costa Rica

Imagine a week in Costa Rica!

Join Katrina & Shaunna for 8 nights immersed in the jungle at VerdEnergia farm and soaking up the sun by the sea. Unplug from the world & reconnect to your true self.

Yoga. Meditate. Learn. Adventure. Dance. Sound healing. Beach. Peace.

February 14-22, 2024 Save the date!

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Pause to Feel~Is there really a problem?

Pause to Feel~Is there really a problem?

Most everyone says at the beginning of the new year that they want to find more peace of mind, and less anxiety. 

In this workshop we will be practicing yin yoga and we’ll also take a deep dive into looking at how our minds are processing information. 

Instead of viewing anxiety as something we need to fix or get rid of, we will be invited to “commit to it,” to stay with the experience and discover its intelligence and meaning. If we can face our fears, then maybe they won’t continue to secretly run our lives. 

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Himalayan Breathwork & Sound Healing

Himalayan Breathwork & Sound Healing

This Workshop is designed to return you to your Highest Self. Katrina will lead you through some pranayama (Himalayan breath practices), and take you into a long savasana where she will bathe you in the sounds of singing bowls and a gong. Moving your brain waves from Beta (high energy waves associated with stress, anxiety, and worry) to Theta (between awake and asleep, subconscious mind, deep relaxation, and inner peace). This process is calming, and restful, and can aid in healing. Come with an open mind, heart, and cozy wear to settle in for an experience that will leave you feeling nourished and tranquil.

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Food as Medicine - Deep Gut Health

Food as Medicine - Deep Gut Health

Lead by Amanda Beckett

Food as Medicine - Deep Gut Health

$40 member, $50 non-member

Register online www.risingtidewellness.org

Digestive upset, bloating, inability to comfortably digest certain foods? Few of us experience perfect digestion and absorption of nutrients. Taking an Ayurvedic approach, we'll look at the source of these issues by diving into our own unique constitutions to understand why we experience imbalance. You will be able to better identify how and what to eat to support your gut health and bring about balance. Includes a live cooking demonstration and food samples to try. Led by Food Healing Coach & Ayurvedic Health Counselor Amanda Beckett. 

Register Here

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Hip and Low Back Function Workshop (In-person and virtual)

Hip and Low Back Function Workshop (In-person and virtual)

Join Shaunna Sutcliffe, Holistic Yoga Therapeutic Coach, for a conversation about the skeletal and muscular structures of the Pelvis and Lower back region. Our discussion will revolve around the practices of yoga, massage, and various exercises aimed at maintaining the strength and well-being of these areas.

 Also, we will discuss common injuries and concerns. (Please note that this workshop is not intended as medical guidance, it's important to consult your healthcare provider before engaging in any physical activities.)

$35 Members, $45 Non-members

 2.5 CEUs will be applied for current teachers if applicable

 Register Here

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New Year, New Moon: Single Day Winter retreat!

New Year, New Moon: Single Day Winter retreat!

Are you ready to relax, unwind and elevate your spirit? Now, is the time to enliven your dreams and invite love, and abundance, into every moment. Come set intentions for your new year with Katrina & Shaunna!

Enjoy a one-day retreat with Shaunna Sutcliffe, Holistic Yoga Therapist, and Teacher/Healer Katrina Cantu, at the beautiful Society, Hot Springs Hotel in Bingen, Washington.

Bring your yoga mat, yoga blanket, blocks, and yoga strap; along with a swimsuit for this deeply relaxing, rejuvenating, and healing experience. It is our intention you come away from this experience deeply relaxed and open to receive the blessings the universe has intended for you.

We will lead you through healing, nourishing, and therapeutic movements to release what’s stuck and holding us back and open our hearts for love and our minds for clarity. We will chant together, meditate, journal, and discuss (if you like); and experience a deep sound healing at the end of the day. A healthy nourishing lunch and tea or coffee will also be included.
Afterward, we will enjoy an hour in the soaking pools and sauna. This is optional but must be paid to us if you are not a hotel guest, $25 if you are not a hotel guest. (You will receive a confirmation after registering, to pay if you’d like to soak.

*There will be an optional add-on Friday dinner. More details to come on that, if you are thinking about coming for the weekend, please book a room ASAP soon to lock in a place to be. Rooms sell out fast. First come first served for hotel rooms, book through the Society Hotel here ASAP (Hotel, Breakfasts, and Dinners are not included) thesocietyhotel.com/bingen/accommodations. The hotel is NOT included in this retreat. You must secure your own accommodations.

See the full-day agenda (Draft) below.

*Please note this retreat is capped at a small number (19) and must be booked ASAP to secure your spot. Breakfast, snacks, and dinner are not included.

Saturday Agenda: 9:45 am-4:15 pm

9:45-10 am: Welcome, tea, and agenda

10 am-12 pm: Shaunna will lead us through breathwork and short guided meditation with journal prompts to release/let go. Then we will try some nourishing yoga movements, self-massage, and playful dance to break up the past “stickiness” in our muscles, tissues, hearts, and minds. We will focus on Hips and Shoulders this day.

12 pm-12:45 pm: Enjoy a healthy lunch in the sanctuary and take a short walk if you like (lunch is provided)

12:45-1:15 pm: Shaunna will lead you through a journey through your body and mind to help your food and yoga digest, and your body go more fully into rest and restoration.

1:15-1:45 pm: Katrina will lead us through breathwork for 30 mins to help our bodies wake up and finalize digestion before movement. 

1:45-3 pm: Movement/Yoga with Katrina

3-3:15 pm: Short Break

3:15-4:10 pm: Vibrational Sound Healing Journey with Katrina

4:15 pm: Pack up and head for soaking pools

4:30-5:30 pm: Soaking Pools/SaunaNew Year, New Moon: Single Day Winter retreat!
at The Society Hotel in Bingen, WA

More info & Book

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21-Day Cultivate Wellness Program with Shaunna In-Person & Virtual
to Jan 31

21-Day Cultivate Wellness Program with Shaunna In-Person & Virtual

Blood sugar levels throughout the day and over time have major impacts on our health. In this class you'll learn how blood sugar impacts health and the steps to maintain healthy blood sugar balance. Following the class, turn education into action with a 7-day challenge focused on removing added sugars to support increased energy, positive mood, better sleep, and more!

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21-Day Functional Movement Program with Katrina (Virtual)
to Jan 31

21-Day Functional Movement Program with Katrina (Virtual)

Embark on a transformative journey into the new year by establishing a sustainable habit of enhanced movement. Recognizing that it takes 21 days to solidify a habit, Katrina invites you to participate in a comprehensive 21-day movement reset. Throughout this program, Katrina will conduct live online sessions with you on 10 occasions, all of which will be recorded for flexible access within the 21 days.

The movement sessions will seamlessly integrate various practices, including Hatha Yoga, Primal Vinyasa, Pilates-inspired movements, Kriya Yoga, and Restorative Yoga, providing your body with a holistic and revitalizing experience. Katrina emphasizes the significance of daily practice during these 21 days to maximize the benefits and truly reset your movement habits.

As a culmination of this reset, participants will have the unique opportunity to connect with Katrina and fellow participants on a Zoom call. This community gathering will serve as a platform to share experiences, discuss the transformative journey undertaken, and explore future endeavors in the realms of health and wellness. Join us in fostering a community committed to holistic well-being and the continuous pursuit of a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Functional Movement Meetings will be from 6:30-7:15 a.m. on Zoom  1/10, 1/12, 1/15, 1/17, 1/19,1/22, 1/24, 1/26, 1/29 & 1/31

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21-Day Meditation, Breath, & Kriya Practice with Katrina Virtually
to Jan 31

21-Day Meditation, Breath, & Kriya Practice with Katrina Virtually

Embark on a profound 21-day meditation reset led by Katrina, where she will guide you through live online meditation practices on ten occasions within this transformative period. Fear not if you miss a session, as all practices will be meticulously recorded for convenient access throughout the entire 21-day duration. Katrina skillfully weaves together Meditation, Breathwork, Mantra, and Kriya techniques, creating a harmonious blend aimed at helping you discover a profound sense of inner peace.

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 21-Day Live Well Reset Program
to Jan 31

21-Day Live Well Reset Program

Blood sugar levels throughout the day and over time have major impacts on our health. In this class you'll learn how blood sugar impacts health and the steps to maintain healthy blood sugar balance. Following the class, turn education into action with a 7-day challenge focused on removing added sugars to support increased energy, positive mood, better sleep, and more!

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Free Live Well NOW Class

Free Live Well NOW Class

Blood sugar levels throughout the day and over time have major impacts on our health. In this class you'll learn how blood sugar impacts health and the steps to maintain healthy blood sugar balance. Following the class, turn education into action with a 7-day challenge focused on removing added sugars to support increased energy, positive mood, better sleep, and more!

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Virtual Free Live Well NOW Class

Virtual Free Live Well NOW Class

Blood sugar levels throughout the day and over time have major impacts on our health. In this class you'll learn how blood sugar impacts health and the steps to maintain healthy blood sugar balance. Following the class, turn education into action with a 7-day challenge focused on removing added sugars to support increased energy, positive mood, better sleep, and more!

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Free Holiday Party!!

 *Holiday Bazaar, Party, & Record Release! December 10th, 4-9 p.m. Join Rising Tide Wellness for an evening of fun! The Bazaar will have all Health and Wellness vendors so you can give the gift of health and wellness to your loved ones this year! A potluck to nourish ourselves and have time for connection.

Jesse will share some of his music, Avasa and Matthew Love will perform their new album and Jordan will play a DJ set to dance to afterwards!! 

This evening will be a beautiful way to connect to our community! Hope to see you there! (There will be a sign-up sheet at the studio for potluck!) Register Here

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Gene Keys 101

Gene Keys 101

The Gene Keys is a living system of wisdom to help raise individual and collective consciousness. I want to personally invite anyone interested in personal growth to come to this workshop. There is much to be said about the Gene Keys but I encourage you to start by going to genekeys.com. Look around at some of the videos, and the resource library and access your hologenetic profile by entering your birthplace and time. If you are resonating with anything and are interested in learning more please come! For the workshop bring your profile, your current life journey inquiry, and any and all questions. We'll circle up, do an opening attunement, move and stretch a bit, explore the gene keys wisdom with some experiential activities, and end with guided contemplation. 

Bring a yoga mat, journal, and pen. 

Facilitated by Jesse and Tiffany.

Jesse Gardner is a yoga teacher, high school educator, and poet emcee, and has been working with Gene Keys for the last five years. He recently became a Gene Key guide and is honored to share this wisdom.

Tiffany Trimble-Gardner is a certified somatic therapist and gene key guide, helping people discover the wisdom of the body.

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Ayurvedic Cooking

Ayurvedic Cooking

Lead by Amanda Beckett

December 9, 2-4 pm

$40 member, $50 non-member price

In Ayurveda (“the science of life”), food is medicine. When we properly nourish ourselves, according to our unique constitutions, we feel our best. In this workshop, we'll discuss food selection, cooking & eating rituals, and the role of good digestion. Bring your appetite, as there will be food samples to make and try! This workshop is led by certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, and owner of Rad Root plant-based food, Amanda Beckett.

Register Here

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