Ready to relax and unwind with intention, love and clarity? Ready to invite in love, abundance and other dreams of yours?
Enjoy a daylong retreat with Shaunna Sutcliffe Holistic Yoga Therapist, and guest teachers at the beautiful Society, hot springs hotel in Bingen Washington.
We will lead you through healing, nourishing and deep movements to release what’s stuck and holding us back; and open our hearts for love and Abundance. Then we will experience a deeply relaxing, sounding healing, savasana. After a nourishing snack we will have a mandala drawing workshop, lunch on our own and an hour in the soaking pools and sauna.
Included in the Schedule:
~Yoga and movement practice with shaunna Sutcliffe 10am-12pm
~Break for lunch 12m-1pm (light lunch provided)
~Sound healing with singing bowls and other sound tools with Kelly Carsley 12pm-1pm
~1:30pm-3pm; Gratitude Mediation followed by journaling and discussion (participation in discussion is optional), Movement/Yoga/Dance followed by Relaxation
~Hour long Soaking and Sauna session in the healing mineral waters; 3:30-4:30pm
Register by Oct 1st; Early bird Price of $150or Pay $160 after the 1st. Register Here